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Section: New Results

Navigation techniques in 3D digital cities on mobile touch devices

Participants : Jacek Jankowski, Thomas Hulin, Martin Hachet.

This project was part of "Villes transparentes" research project in collaboration with Mappy (Solocal group) and Vectuel - VirtuelCity initiated in 2013. It aimed at characterizing today's most common interaction techniques for street-level navigation in 3D digital cities, for mobile touch devices, in terms of their efficiency and usability. To do so, we conducted a user study, where we compared target selection (Go-To), rate control (Joystick), position control, and stroke-based control navigation metaphors (see Figure 12 ). The results suggest that users performed best with the Go-To interaction technique. The subjective comments showed a preference of novices towards Go-To and expert users towards the Joystick technique. This work has been published at the 3DUI 2014 conference [18] .

Figure 12. Four techniques for navigating in a 3D city on a mobile touch device.)